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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Scope Response #2

Dear Rob: I've recently developed a propensity to talk to myself. This is pretty weird. All these years, I've barely uttered a few words to myself on special occasions. Now I'm having long, convoluted gab fests, as if the little voices in my head had busted out of their holding cells, run amuck, and decided to NEVER SHUT UP! Am I crazy? - Out Loud Pisces." Dear Out Loud: It's a good sign that you're getting all the murmuring background noise out in the open. Not just for you but for many Pisceans, thoughts and feelings that had been hidden or secret are becoming available to your conscious mind. Once you clear out the backlog, the really useful revelations will begin.

I think that is the purpose of my ongoing journal and this blog thing. To clean out stuff I feel I need to chatter about even if no one actually reads it. To clear out the old stuff. Take out the trash as Socrates says in Peaceful Warrior. Make room from really useful revelations. Yeah I need to do that. In fact, I need to go on a LYFYS quest.

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