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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Scope Response #3

There has rarely been a better time than now to blend your fresh sparkly innocence and your deep ancient wisdom. The childlike aspects of your intelligence are especially available, and so are the visionary elements. Furthermore, the two have a great potential to complement and enhance each other. You might be amazed at how dramatically you could transform long-standing problems by invoking this dynamic tandem of energies.

This is a tough one. Okay, let's break it down. "There has rarely been a better time"- does he mean early summer, June. Summer has always been my favorite time of year, from May to August. It's a good time to "blend your fresh sparkly innocence" this is true, I am actually quite good at approaching everything from my job to schoolwork with a beginner's mind where I pretend that I don't know what I'm doing and learning as I go. When that happen's my "deep ancient wisdom" kick in, mostly its a physical of knowing how much time and effort I need to exert in order to get the job done. At the same time I do not spend a lot of time worrying about the future. I take my job, day by day, punch by punch, paycheck to paycheck, from one customer, co-worker, boss, to another.

I don't worry when I don't do the job exactly perfect, because I don't want to look too eager and be taken advantage of by people who see me as someone who can do more than his share and will do the work of other less efficient workers. I am good and being happy in this moment. In this moment, I am happy, I have a full wallet, a full stomach. Some day that may not be the case. So I am happy in this moment. I can start saving for future moments.

The childlike aspects of your intelligence are especially available, and so are the visionary elements.

I think this refers to my secret love of learning. I actually like going to school. I actually think I'll like doing math(even though I tested at the MAth 091 level which is pretty much a step above deedeedee). But I think I have a better understanding of how to solve problems with your mind and nothing else. Math has specific rules- house rules- and if you follow them math is not so bad. I think the problem is- not sure where I read this- but the reason I hated math in high school was because the teachers never made it easy or fun. My Algebra II teacher Mrs. Harris was a witch of a woman, and I personified her, demonized her as a witch so that I could blame all my problems on her. Maybe I'd be eager to learn how to do it right if you didn't call us dispicable people if we don't understand something.

In some ways I think if I somehow master some basic or even complex mathmatical processes I will become more rounded as person because I won't have this fear. That is it isn't it? I have to overcome my fear and disgust at having to do math. I have to make it fun or some kind of adventure. i have to learn to play with math like Will(Good Will Hunting) or Ben (21).

Watched Up today. It was excellent as all Pixar films are. It explored themes of childhood fantasy and the process of aging, dying, fulfilling forgotten dreams which was the subject of a previous Scope Response (SR?). An unlikely team of adventurers, an old widower, a young portly Wilderness Scout, a toucan-sam colored bird, and dog with an electronic voice-box. Mr. Peterson, the old man meets his childhood hero and discovers that he is an egomaniac trying to get the thing he has been searching for all his life but willing to kill or hurt people to get it. Excelltent animation, btw. There were some very deep moments of contemplation in the film as well as fun action moments, chases, comical exchanges between the unlikely companions.

Also ate a lot of food today. Ate at 3 of my favorite restaurants: Panda Express, Sushi Ya, Noodles and Company.

Had a palaver with my inner Guru - a reflection of my own gluttony- told me that all the good food in the world will never satisfy me, all the money or toys or fantasy girls will never fill that void- it is like trying to fill the universe- it cannot be done. There is no substance, no product, no expert, not even a religious leader or spiritual teacher/teaching that can bring you closer to touching the deep, high, vast, infinite, indescribable experience of touching God and the Great Mystery that enfolds you. Stop walking around waiting for some vivid dream of dragons and angels to wake you up. You are awake- this is the gray of the early morning. But the sun is breaking through. "Let the sun shine in" as the song says.

You know the steps to take. You know the path. You know where it has taken you, you know where it will take you. Stop eating. Stop consuming. Wait. Allow your body to guide you to your next step. Then take it and your heart, your mind will follow. And eternal peace thereafter.

Furthermore, the two have a great potential to complement and enhance each other. You might be amazed at how dramatically you could transform long-standing problems by invoking this dynamic tandem of energies.

Transformation - I am a transformer. I am more than meets the eye. For the transformation to take place you must clear away anything keeping you from the only thing that matters- this moment. You have to lost your mind in the process. This does not actually mean to "go crazy" rather, it is the world that is crazy. "Life is very deep, and our modern lifestyle"- these mememe sites follow me follow me look how many friends I have look how many followers I have look how many I have left after I die look how meningless it is when economic meltdown, terminal cancer or swine flu or nuclear holocaust threaten my very existence nevermind I have 114,500 friends who just want more friends than I have - "is not."

"People asking questions lost in confusion,
Well I tell them there's no problems only solutions
They shake their heads and look at me as if I've lost my mind
I tell them there's no hurry I'm just sitting here doing time." -John Lennon

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