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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Scope Response #8

In case, you have not been following along and just tuned in, every Thursday(or whenever I get around to it) I go to freewillastrology.com, read, cut and paste the reading for Pisces(my sign) and write out a response as Rob's scopes are often insiteful if not filled with pop-cultural, historical, or Dennis Miller-esque analogies which form time to time have the ring of truth for me.

Todays entry I have not read before hand and have cut and pasted it just now.

Internet addiction has risen to epidemic proportions in China. In early 2009, psychologists in Shandong province began offering an alleged cure that involved the use of electro-shock therapy. Parents of 3,000 young people paid Dr. Yang Yongxin and his team over $800 a month to hook their anesthetized teens up to machines that sent electricity through their brains to induce artificial seizures. After four months, the Chinese government intervened and halted the treatment, noting that there was no evidence it worked. This practice might sound comically barbaric to you, but I think it has a certain resemblance to the way you have been dealing with your own flaws and excesses: with inordinate force. In the coming weeks, I really think it's important not to punish yourself for any reason, Pisces, even if it's in a supposedly good cause. The lesson of the Chinese experiment is: not only is it overkill, it also doesn't even have the desired effect.

Yeah. Maybe I should have read it first. Well, as I have no clue how to respond, but I guess I won't beat myself up over it. After all its 3:20 a.m. and I have to get up tomorrow and go to work at 10. At the moment I'm feeling quite awake like those long nights doing artwork in 333 or putting it all on the back burned while St. George tells us ghost stories. Those were the days. I guess I should have punished myself more during that time. My punishments are consequences delivered by the universe or karmic forces or that invisible man in the sky. Which don't seem to have done any good do they? Here I am in the same place I was after I left U/ARTs ten years ago.

I think if I keep writing in this manner, I will deliver my own punishments, self-reprimanding and all that. Regretting the past is punishment enough.

When I got home from seeing the movie, I saw a bright object over my house. It was brighter than all the stars and rather reddish-white. Later I went to space.com and discovered that it was Jupiter and Neptune(which was not visible to me) in a rare appearance. The Sea God must be having and intense conversation for the Mighty Lightning-bolt Wielding King. Although he was not hurling them tonight. He was hurling quite a few of them when I was in Ocean City eating crabs at Hooper's with my folk. Afterwards there was a beautiful sunset to the west, dark storm clouds to the east and a double rainbow in the middle. I think I got my magical moment(see SR5).

That's all I have to say about that. Other than it's 3:33. The most magical number I can think of.


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