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Monday, July 13, 2009

SR 6(?)

Every week on Wednesday or Thursdays I go to freewillastrology.com, read my horoscope for Pisces written by Rob Breszny(author of Pronoia Is the Antidote for Paranoia). I copy and paste the entry to my blog and write a response if I feel that the horoscope speaks to me or offers some good questions for reflection. It is Monday so I owe you/me one for last week.

"May you live in interesting times." That old toast is actually a droll curse meant to be heaped upon an enemy. "Interesting" implies rapid change, rampant uncertainty, and constant adjustment. What’s preferable is to live during a boring era when stability reigns. Or so the argument goes. But I reject that line of thought. I celebrate the fact that we're embroiled in interesting times. I proclaim our struggles to navigate the sharp turns and uphill climbs to be a jubilee of the first degree. What fantastic luck it is to be on the planet when everything mutates! May we be up to the task of bringing heaven down to earth. May we be worthy of the trust the universe is placing in us. Now get out there, Pisces, and enjoy the hell out of the epic and entertaining drama we're stewarding. This is your time to be a leader and a luminary.

This entry actually connects with the book I just finished, The Journeys of Socrates by Dan Millman(see review below). While no chracter actually toasts Sergei, his nemesis, Zakolyev does make live interesting for him by having his men hold him down will his giant companion kills Sergei's wife. Sergei is banished by his mother-in-law Valeria and vows to find Zakolyev and kill him but first he needs to heal and to become the best warrior he can be. This leads him to search for a hermit named Razin who teaches him how to prepare for an attack at anytime byt whacking him with a stick when he's sleeping, cooking, walking, and peeing. Razin sends Sergei to train under Sarafim the retired non-violent monk who is actually a master of martial arts and other higher spiritual abilities. The journeys searching for Zakolyev and each of Sergei's teachers and then to America is full of interesting lessons.

What this has to do with me.

I celebrate the fact that we're embroiled in interesting times. I proclaim our struggles to navigate the sharp turns and uphill climbs to be a jubilee of the first degree.

Personally, I have not experienced great tragey in my life. Though I have lost some elder family members no one has killed or violated my wife, nor was I raised in a abusive home or sent to boarding school or military school, though public school seemed to be violent enough. On the other hand I have been on quite a few journeys. I have mentioned in previous entries that I went to U/ARTs in Philadelphia where I discovered a deep, psychic connection with a circle of friends. I didn't graduate and left halfway through my junior year, mostly because of my own laziness and inability to balance fun and school work. I have many regrets about that time which led to me coming back to my parents house in Maryland and falling into a deep depression which took two years to come out of.

Then I decided to go out to California to be near my friends. I lived in Burbank and North Hollywood. I look back on that time as some of the best years of my life. Particularly the last two, when I discovered Frank Sontag's Impact Program on 95.5 KLOS. Through him I discovered spiritual teachers and books. One of those books includes, Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman. I also learned about a man named Benjamin Creme who came on Frank's show with his message that there is a group of evolved beings known as the Masters of Wisdom and the Master of the Masters is Maitreya, the World Teacher.

In August of 2005, I went to Benjamin Creme's talk and experienced one of the weirdest but mor powerful nights of my life. Peices of the Great Mystery puzzle of life fell into place. I went to the Transmission Meditation and discovered Share International, a nonprofit organization that promotes Benjamin Creme's message and leads transmission meditation groups which I attended whenever I could.

I began reading books Ghandi, Ram Dass, Bo Lozoff.

Some nights I would take the bus- actually EVERY night I rode the bus to and from work. I was living in North Hollywood at the time and had to take two buses to get to work and two buses to get back(by a different route because a few busses stop after a certain time). anyway on bus (163) would take me to La Cienega at a stop which was right next to the 101. I usually had 45 minutes to waite for the next bus which would take me to Burbank Blvd to a stop where I had to walk about 2 miles to get to my house. Needless to say, I got a lot of exercise and because I gave up soda, and eating meat, lost a ton of weight.

anyway, some nights I did not feel like "going home." Instead I would go on adventures. I got off at a stop which was a the foot of Mullholland Drive. I walked up a narrow path that led up to an overlook. I hopped the fence, walked around and enjoyed the view of L.A. where you could look down on the stars and up at the stars at the same time. It was a magical time for me. Perhaps more so than back in college. I would sit on the hill and meditate. One night I walked from the overlook to another one further down the road, which overlooked the San Fernando valley. Other nights I would just stay up all night then take a bus down to the beach. I wish I could go back to that time. But then it wasn't the best of times. I had a lot of trouble with money, and with focusing on mundane things like getting to work on time while taking more steps on my spiritual journal at the same time.

To be continued. . . I gotta poo . . .

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